About the Team

Nancy Selvage established ARTtraction, LLC in 2013 for conducting her artwork business. Each interior art project engages 1-3 assistants in sculpture fabrication and exhibition installation. Each exterior stainless steel project requires the expertise of a welder and a structural engineer as well as assistants for building quarter scale models for fabrication guidance.

stainless steel public projects

  • Nancy Selvage: design, 3D CAD, 1/4 scale models, CAD files for laser cutting parts, fabrication supervision and assistance
  • Nathalie  Royston and Christine Lawrence: current assistants for physical model building 
  • Dan Bonardi Structural Engineer: Hydro, Hang-Out/Look-Out/Hide-Out, Step-Up
  • Ron Dauplaise, Precision Welding: Garden, Maenad, Hang-Out/Look-Out/Hide-Out, Step-Up
  • Bob’s Welding and Fabrication: Landscape Lounger
  • Amaral Custom Fabrication: Hydro

perforated aluminum projects

Current team for perforated aluminum sculpture fabrication, exhibition installations, and ¼ scale public art project models:  Nathalie Royston is an artist and freelance project manager with over 20 years of experience managing mission-driven projects in the arts, culture, and other nonprofit sectors. Christine Lawrence is a creative and meticulous craftsperson who invents just the right tool in anticipation of its impending need.